
Welcome to Comic Binding

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Welcome to Comic Binding. We invite you to join the community and contribute to the site.

Read the About page to learn more about the site. Registration is free, but moderated. We’ll approve your account just as fast as we can. If you have trouble registering your account, just use the Contact Us link above and let us know.

Look around, leave us a comment and let us know what you think. You can now find us on Twitter @ComicBinding or reach us by email

Registering is probably best facilitated through this login page and then clicking on the link to log in with a account.  That will take you to a page to sign up.


3 Responses

  1. Kevin
    Kevin at |

    Hey, really Interested

  2. Corwin
    Corwin at |


  3. mrbta2
    mrbta2 at |

    Any recommendations as to where a reputable binder may be sought? I was sending my books to James Jasek at library Binding which is now defunct.


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