5/23/17 So a good friend of mine named this last era of the New 52 the Dark ages…and while it has been lacking it has also had some upsides. Mainly Sinestro getting his own title! Here they are volumes 11-14. (Not sure if or when I will bind volume 12.1 which will include Convergence, Larfleeze and Threshold.
1/25/14 Been a while since I’ve last updated but here are volumes 8-10 which I’ve bound within the last year. Volume 10 ends Geoff Johns run on Green Lantern…it may be a while before I bind more GL.
3/15/12 Kind of weird that it’s almost been a year since my last GL batch but I’ve posted some pics of GLs Volume 7 and Brightest Day!
3/20/11 Pictures of my three new volumes centering around Blackest Night added! (Annotations and Black Ring percentage chart from http://sites.google….dblackestnight/) . I’ve also had some success with creating dust jackets for volumes 3 and 4 using instructions from a friend. Look for a post on that in the future but in the mean time I’ve added some pictures of the dust jackets.
5/28/10 Four volumes of Green Lanterns. Collects Green Lantern, Green Lantern Corps, Ion and the Sinestro Corps War as well as some sketches and extras I’ve packed in. I’ve got a signature from Ron Marz and two sketches from Ethan Van Sciver. The Sinestro sketch also has a signature from Mike McKone.
The binder did misspell Sinestro as Sinistro on the spine of Volume 3 but it’s hardly worth complaining over.