Once I got hooked by the Sinestro Corps War I fell in love Green Lantern. So I decided to go back and create a special bind highlighting the fall and resurrection of Hal Jordan. These
binds include events such as Zero Hour, Final Night and Day of Judgement as well as Green Lantern Rebirth.
Fall From Grace
Action Comics 689
Superman 80
Green Lantern 46, 48-51, 55
Zero Hour 4-0 (counts down from 4 to 0)
Green Lantern 0, 62-64
Green Lantern Quarterly 7 (just for the fun of it)
Death and Rebirth
Underworld Unleashed 1 (Mongul Death pages)
Final Night 1-3
Final Night: Parallax
Final Night 4
Green Lantern 81
Green Lantern 118
Day of Judgement 1-5
Green Lantern 119
Green Lantern Rebirth 1/2 (from Secret Files and Origins)
Green Lantern Rebirth 1-6
Green Lantern Secret Files and Origins 2005
I finally got a hold of Cosmic Odyssey so I think I may try to put together a John Stewart bind…didn’t Katma die in an Action Comics issue? Actually let’s take it to the forums.
according to cbdb hal jordan, nor any other green lanterns, are in action comics #689… i haven’t checked anything else yet… i have that issue so i’ll look tonight when i get home.
Action Comics #689 sets up the frame work for the destruction of Coast City. We get introductions to the four Supermen (and Supergirl) as well as the resurrection of Superman. All of whom appear in GL 46, (except for Eradicator who does appear on the cover.)
oh that’s right… cause they were just going over that, and in that time period, in the recent issues of booster gold. tx! makes sense now