Post-Crisis Superman starts here, and runs through the end the Jurgens era. After Superman #150, the books really did take a change in tone. Then, things get a little wonky with One Year Later (does it match up to these comics?) up to the massive 2011 reboot.
The Superman Confidential series is ignored for this map. Since the continuity backstory was tweaked following One Year Later in 2006, stories set in the past after that point don’t match up with what was published. Most of the arcs did not give any idea when they took place other than “in the past”. (That said, the Kryptonite arc that started the series was pretty decent, and worth a look, just not as part of this continuity.)
A note about DC’s company wide crossovers — my general rule is to get at least the Batman and Superman related issues. Others might collect differently. So, if you just want to concentrate on Superman, skip the non-Superman issues. I’ll try to note where a tie-in from a non-Superman comic is essential or highly recommended.
There are a few volumes that are actual trades, which I’ve noted. Beware, a lot of Superman trades are known to cut out pages or panels, or in some cases, only excerpt certain issues (or even just panels) for a theme. I do not have any of those.
AoS – Adventures of Superman
MoS – Man of Steel (refers to both the mini and ongoing)
MoT – Man of Tomorrow
Superman: The Legend Begins
Man of Steel #1-2
Superman Annual #7 (1995 – Year One)
Man of Steel #3-4
Legends of the DCU #1-3
Man of Steel #5
Booster Gold #6-7
Man of Steel #6
Superman #1
Adventures of Superman #424
Action #584
Superman #2
Adventures of Superman #425
Action #585
Legends #1-4
Superman #3
Adventures of Superman #426
Action #586
Legends #5-6
This volume spans about five years of Superman’s career. Seeing as how we’re definitely at the point where there are no more “untold” tales, and even how anything between 2006 and 2011 probably shouldn’t be included here either, it’s safe to finalize this volume.
I got rid of the other three “Year One” annuals because they did not fit neatly into the narrative. It would have required a lot of spicing or replacing of MoS issues. Other issues that might make it into this volume are Jack Kirby’s Fourth World #20 – a book by Byrne that retells Superman’s first meeting with Fourth World characters – and the 3 page silent story from DCU Holiday Bash by Jurgens. Both kind of fit between MoS #4-5.
This volume was originally three volumes, but I combined them when I realized I didn’t need any more flexibility during the Early Years, and I didn’t care for any other Legends crossovers. I’m comfortable folding the Legends mini-series into this project because Byrne did the art.
I used the World of Superman blog as my guide for inserting some of the later day issues.
Parallel Lives
Superman #4
Adventures of Superman #427
Action #587
Adventures of Superman #428
Superman #5-6
Adventures of Superman #429
Action #588-590
Superman #7
LOSH #37
Superman #8
Action #591
LOSH #38
Adventures of Superman #430
Superman Annual #1
Adventures of Superman #431
Adventures of Superman Annual #1
Action Comics #588 continues from Hawkman #10. But, since Superman only appears on the last two pages and everything is recapped at the beginning of Action #588, I got rid of the book. The order of the issues from that point on is derived from a page in Adventures of Superman #430 that recaps about 5 different arcs as spanning one week.
Metropolis Mayhem
Superman #9
Adventures of Superman #432-434
Action #592-593
Superman #10
Action Annual #1
Superman #11
Action #594
Booster Gold #23
Superman #12
Adventures of Superman #435
Action #595
Superman #13
Adventures of Superman #436
Action #596
Superman #14
Adventures of Superman #437
Action #597
Superman #15
Adventures of Superman #438
Action #598
Millennium covers the issues between Superman #13 and AoS #437. I couldn’t get interested enough in the event as a whole to bind or read it. Besides, it really messed up the pacing of Superman. The first two Superman tie-ins were supposed to take place back to back, but there were three other books in between.
Worlds of Superman
World of Krypton #1-4
World of Smallville #1-4
World of Metropolis #1-4
This volume is optional. It may not actually go right here, but I couldn’t figure out a good enough place to fit all 12 issues together.
Different Worlds
Superman #16
Adventures of Superman #439
Action #599
Action #599 bonus book insert
Superman #17
Adventures of Superman #440
Action #600
Superman #18
Adventures of Superman #441
Superman #19
Adventures of Superman #442
Adventures of Superman #443
Superman Annual #2
Doom Patrol #10
Superman #20
Superman #21
Adventures of Superman #444
Superman #22
This marks the end of the Byrne era, which is why I made a volume break here. The placement of Superman Annual #2 was a best guess based on clues found in ads for the book. Also, the story in AoS #443 was originally planned for an annual that year, as evidenced by it being 30 pages, and also not promoted beforehand.
Personality Crisis
Adventures of Superman #445
Superman #23
Adventures of Superman #446
Superman #24
Adventures of Superman #447
Superman #25
Adventures of Superman #448
Superman #26
Adventures of Superman #449
Superman #27
Adventures of Superman #450
Invasion goes around the last four issues, but I felt it dragged down the momentum of Superman’s story too much.
Superman #28
Adventures of Superman #451
Superman #29
Adventures of Superman #452
Superman #30
Adventures of Superman #453
Superman #31
Adventures of Superman #454
Action Comics Annual #2
Superman #32
Adventures of Superman #455
Superman #33
Adventures of Superman #456
Action #643
I shifted Action #643 up from the next volume. While it’s cool to start a new volume with Superman’s big return, there are several subplots that directly continue from the issue before it. While Action #643 ends with a “continued”, it’s not directly picked up on in the next issue. Plus, I think it’s included in DC’s Exile trade, although that trade butchers a lot of the issues contained to get as lean a story as possible. I left the Hostile Takeover backups in place. It would actually interrupt the flow of the story to move them.
Unnatural Disasters
Superman #34
Adventures of Superman #457
Action #644
Superman #35
Adventures of Superman #458
Starman #14 (starring Will Peyton)
Action #645
Superman #36
Adventures of Superman #459
Action #646
Superman #37
Adventures of Superman #460
Action #647-649
Superman #38
Adventures of Superman #461
Action #648
Superman #39
Adventures of Superman #462
Action #649
Superman #40
Adventures of Superman #463
Day of the Krypton Man
Action #650
Superman #41
Adventures of Superman #464
Action #651
Superman #42
Adventures of Superman #465
Action #652
Superman #43
Adventures of Superman #466
Action #653
Superman #44
Adventures of Superman #467
Action #654
Soul Search
Superman #45
Adventures of Superman #468
Action #655
Superman #46
Adventures of Superman #469
Action #656
Superman #47
Adventures of Superman #470
Action #657
Adventures of Superman Annual #2
LEGION ’90 Annual #1
Superman #48
Adventures of Superman #471
Action #658
The Superman Special by Walt Simonson was released in 1992, but was originally planned to be Superman Annual #3 in 1990. It takes place somewhere around this volume, as it still has Lex Luthor in it, and references Superman #43 as “last month”. I was inclined to put it at the end of the volume, until I listened to a “From Crisis to Crisis” podcast and one of the hosts said it took place before Lois and Clark started dating, probably somewhere before AoS #468. Since I had already bound the previous volume and did not want to place the special at the beginning of a volume, I moved it over to Superman From the Ages. The issue itself is a retelling of Denny O’Neil’s Sand Superman storyline from the 1970s.
Krisis of the Krimson Kryptonite (TPB)
Superman #49
Adventures of Superman #472
Starman #28
Action #659
Superman #50
Adventures of Superman #473
Action #660
With the next volume, we start the era of the triangle numbers.
Time and Time Again
Superman #51
Adventures of Superman #474
Action #661
Superman #52
Adventures of Superman #475
Action #662
Superman #53
Adventures of Superman #476
Action #663
Superman #54
Adventures of Superman #477
Action #664
Superman #55
Adventures of Superman #478
Action #665
Superman #56
Adventures of Superman #479
Action #666
Superman #54-56 (Newsboy Legion backups)
The actual Time and Time Again arc runs in the issues between Adventures of Superman #476-478. But all of the issues here kind of fit together. This volume shows the beginnings of Lois and Clark’s engagement, as well as Lois learning Superman’s ID. That theme is continued through Time and Time Again.
Return of the Krypton Man
Superman: Man of Steel #1
Superman #57
Adventures of Superman #480
Action #667
Superman: Man of Steel #2
Superman #58
Adventures of Superman #481
Action #668
Superman: Man of Steel #3
Superman #59
Adventures of Superman #482
Action #669
Superman: Man of Steel #4
Superman #60
Adventures of Superman #483
Man of Steel #3 is part of War of the Gods, but there is no need to have any of that crossover included. To me, it was way too confusing and convoluted. In fact, it’s hard to follow in the second half, because all of the parts are numbered wrong, if they are numbered at all. Also, between War of the Gods, Armageddon 2001 in the annuals, Breakdowns in the Justice League books, and the ongoing Superman saga, 1991 is a real mess of a year if you try to get everything in proper chronological order, because all of those storylines reference or cross between one another, in some cases, multiple times.
Action #670
Superman: Man of Steel #5
Superman #61
Adventures of Superman #484
Action #671
Superman: Man of Steel #6
Superman #62
Adventures of Superman #485
Action #672
Superman: Man of Steel #7
Superman #63
Adventures of Superman #486
Action #673
Superman: Man of Steel #8
Superman #64
Adventures of Superman #487
Panic in the Sky!
Action #674
Superman: Man of Steel #9
Superman #65
AoS #488
Action #675
Superman: Man of Steel #10
Superman #66
AoS #489
Action #676
Superman: Man of Steel #11
Superman #67
AoS #490
Action #677
Superman: Man of Steel #12
Superman #68
AoS #491
Action #678
Superman: Man of Steel #13
Panic in the Sky itself ends about halfway through AoS 489, but there are other plot threads that continue for a few issues afterward. Superman #68 continues into Deathstroke #12, but the two issues act like a “TV crossover”, where part of the plot is sort of continued, but not the main plot. Since Superman only appears on one page of the Deathstroke issue, I dropped it. In other words, the Superman issue would be more important for a Deathstroke book than the Deathstroke issue is for Superman.
Life and Liberty
Superman #69
AoS #492
Action #679
Superman: Man of Steel #14
Superman #70
AoS #493
Action #680
Superman: Man of Steel #15
Superman #71
AoS #494
Action #681
Superman: Man of Steel #16
Superman #72
AoS #495
Action #682
Superman: Man of Steel #17
Superman #73
AoS #496
Action #683
Death of Superman
Superman: Man of Steel #18
Justice League America #69
Superman #74
AoS #497
Action #684
Superman: Man of Steel #19
Superman #75
Justice League America #70 (pages 1-5)
AoS #498
Justice League America #70 (pages 6-22)
Action #685
Superman: Man of Steel #20
Superman #76
AoS #499
Action #686
Superman: Man of Steel #21
Superman #77
Legacy of Superman
Supergirl and Team Luthor
I have combined the Death and Funeral issues, because individually, they would be small volumes. If you don’t want to splice issues, put all of JLA #70 after AoS #498. I would love to be able to go from Superman #77 directly into AoS #500, but both the Legacy and Supergirl specials are referenced later, mainly in that Lex Luthor II shows up with a broken foot suffered in the Supergirl special.
Reign of the Supermen
AoS #500
Action #687
Superman: Man of Steel #22
Superman #78
AoS #501
Action #688
Superman: Man of Steel #23
Superman #79
AoS #502
Action #689
Superman: Man of Steel #24
Superman #80
AoS #503
Action #690
Superman: Man of Steel #25
Superman #80
AoS #504
Action #691
Superman: Man of Steel #26
Green Lantern #46 (pages 1-18)
Superman #82
AoS #505
Action #692
I think the trade of Return of Superman only reprints select pages from AoS #505 and Action #692, so not a good option if you’re going for a complete Superman collection. It also omits some pages from GL #46 as well because they are redundant, which is what I have done as well. Pages 19-22 either summarize Superman #82 before it comes out, or sets up the next issue of GL, neither of which is needed for someone reading through the Superman storyline. I prefer Action #692 at the end of the this book, because it’s more about tying up loose ends from the Death/Return, rather than moving ahead, which is what the books in the next volume focus on.
Return to Action
Superman: Man of Steel #27
Superman #83
AoS #506
Action #693
Superman: Man of Steel #28
Superman #84
AoS #507
Action #694
Superman: Man of Steel #29
Superman #85
AoS #508
Action #695
Superman: Man of Steel #30
Superman #86
AoS #509
Action #696
Good luck with MoS #30 and the Colorforms cover. There is a regular edition…but what’s the fun in that? Okay, I went and got the regular edition to bind and kept the Colorforms cover to play with. Originally, I had MoS #31 at the end of this book, but moved it to the beginning of the next. It sort of kicks off most of the subplots in the Fall of Metropolis book into high gear. It also provides a convenient spot for Superman/Doomsday: Hunter/Prey.
The Fall of Metropolis
Superman: Man of Steel #31
Superman #87
AoS #510
Action #697
Superman: Man of Steel #32
Superman #88
AoS #511
Action #698
Superman: Man of Steel #33
Superman #89
AoS #512
Action #699
Superman: Man of Steel #34
Superman #90
AoS #513
Action #700
Superman: Man of Steel #35
Superman #91
AoS #514
Action #701
Superman #92
AoS #515
Action #702
The trade of Bizzaro’s World – which is what I used for those issues – cuts out the final 2 panels of Superman #88, which isn’t enough to bother me. The one line of dialogue that is lost is quickly recapped in the following issue. MoS #35 is part of both Fall of Metropolis and Worlds Collide – the crossover with Milestone. I give it priority to being a part of “Fall”, but it should be included in both volumes. To keep this book from getting bloated, I separated Worlds Collide out into the next volume, which moves MoS #36 out of publication order, but it doesn’t really affect the ongoing storyline. The 2011 RetroActive special that was suppose to take place around MoS #31 just does not neatly fit into continuity.
Worlds Collide
Superman: Man of Steel #35
Hardware #17
Superboy #6
Icon #15
Steel #6
Blood Syndicate #16
Worlds Collide #1
Superboy #7
Hardware #18
Superman: Man of Steel #36
Icon #16
Steel #7
Blood Syndicate #17
Static #14
If you’re going to skip Worlds Collide, make sure to keep Man of Steel #35 in Fall of Metropolis. MoS #36 will not stand on its own if separated from Worlds Collide.
Zero Hour
Showcase ’94 #8-9 (lead stories)
Batman #511
Superman: Man of Steel #37
Zero Hour #4
Superboy #8
Superman #93
Zero Hour #3
Zero Hour #2
Adventures of Superman #516
Action Comics #703
Guy Gardner: Warrior #24
Zero Hour #1
Zero Hour #0
Batman: Shadow of the Bat #31
Detective Comics #678
Robin #10
Showcase ’94 #10 (last story)
Dead Again!
Superman: Man of Steel #0
Superman #0
AoS #0
Action #0
Superman: Man of Steel #38
Superman #94
AoS #517
Action #704
Superman: Man of Steel #39
Superman #95
AoS #518
Action #705
Superman: Man of Steel #40
Superman #96
AoS #519
Action #706
Action Comics #0 leads directly into Superman: Man of Steel #38, so it’s best to keep those two storylines together.
A Hazy Shade of Winter
Superman: Man of Steel #41
Superman #97
AoS #520
Action #707
Superman: Man of Steel #42
Superman #98
AoS #521
Action #708
Superman: Man of Steel #43
Superman #99
AoS #522
Action #709
There are some optional Steel and Guy Gardner issues that could go in here. I don’t have them, and don’t feel like I’m missing too much.
Death of Clark Kent (TPB)
Superman: Man of Steel #44
Superman #100
AoS #523
Action #710
Superman: Man of Steel #45
Superman #101
AoS #524
Action #711
Superman: Man of Steel #46
Superman #102
AoS #525
Superman: Man of Tomorrow #1
Outside Influences
Action #712
Superman: Man of Steel #47
Superman #103
AoS #526
Action #713
Superman: Man of Steel #48
Superman #104
AoS #527
Action #714
Superman: Man of Steel #49
Superman #105
AoS #528
If you are not using the Death of Clark Kent TPB, then consider moving Action #712 to end that volume. It does tie up the last few loose ends from those issues.
The Trial of Superman
Superman: Man of Tomorrow #2
Action #715
Superman: Man of Steel #50
Superman #106
AoS #529
Action #716
Superman: Man of Steel #51
Superman #107
AoS #530
Superman: Man of Tomorrow #3
Action #717
Superman: Man of Steel #52
Superman #108
AoS #531
Adventures of Superman #530 and Man of Tomorrow #3 are also part of Underworld Unleashed. However, it’s dealt mainly as a subplot, and not vital to worrying about putting the two stories together. Superman’s not a even a player in Underworld Unleashed, since he’s busy off-world in this storyline.
Split Decision
Action #718
Superman: Man of Steel #53
Superman #109
AoS #532
Action #719
Superman: Man of Steel #54
Superman #110
AoS #533
Superman: Man of Tomorrow #4
Action #720
Superman: Man of Steel #55
Superman #111
AoS #534
Action #721
Superman: Man of Steel #56
Superman #112
AoS #535
Action #722
Superman: Man of Steel #57
Superman #113
MoT #5
Alpha Centurion #1
The Centurion special actually came out a little later, but I put it here as an “extra”, and it doesn’t interrupt the main storyline. In fact, it’s not really needed.
Never Ending Battle
AoS #536
Action #723
Superman: Man of Steel #58
Superman #114
AoS #537
Action #724
Superman: Man of Steel #59
Superman #115
AoS #538
Action #725
Superman: Man of Steel #60
Superman #116
MoT #6
AoS #539
Action #726
Superman: Man of Steel #61
Superman #117
Superman #117 is labeled as a Final Night tie-in, but directly concludes the story from Man of Steel #61. It doesn’t really reflect much from Final Night, and takes place before #1 anyway.
Final Night
Final Night #1
AoS #540
Final Night #2
Action #727
Final Night #3
Parallax: Emerald Night #1
Detective Comics #703
Superman: Man of Steel #62
Final Night #4
Green Lantern #81
For a Superman focus, of course skip Detective #703. The rest of the issues can stay in, because Parallax actually builds off of the events of Reign of the Supermen, and then sets up FN #4.
The Wedding (25th Anniversary HC)
Superman #118
Superman: The Wedding Album #1
AoS #541
Action #728
Superman: Man of Steel #63
The original TPB and the 25th Anniversary hardcover contain the same issues. However, the hardcover is the better presentation. It’s oversized, contains the full covers in their proper spot, and preserves the fold out final page of the Wedding issue. The HC does have matte paper compared to the glossy paper of the original TPB.
Power Struggle
Superman #119
AoS #542
Action #729
Superman: Man of Steel #64
MoT #7
Superman #120
AoS #543
Action #730
Superman: Man of Steel #65
Superman #121
AoS #544
Action #731
Superman Plus #1
MoT #8
Superman: Man of Steel #66
Superman #122
AoS #545
Action #732
Superman: Man of Steel #67
Superman #123
AoS #546
Action #733
Superman: Man of Steel #68
Superman #124
AoS #547
Action #734
Superman: Man of Steel #69
Superman #125
AoS #548
Action #735
Superman: Man of Steel #70
Superman #126
AoS #549
Action #736
Superman: Man of Steel #71
Superman #127
AoS #550
Action #737
Pulp Heroes: Superman
Superman Annual #9
MoS Annual #6
AoS Annual #9
Action Annual #9
Superman: Man of Tomorrow #9
MoT #9 is not a Pulp Heroes story, but is a recap issue of sorts. It slows down the main narrative. This Pulp volume is easily skippable. The only annual that is referenced anywhere else is Superman Annual #9, and one of those references actually occurs in Superman #126.
The Man of Tomorrow
Superman: Man of Steel #72
Superman #128
AoS #551
Action #738
Superman: Man of Steel #73
Superman #129
AoS #552
Action #739
Superman: Man of Steel #74
Superman #130
AoS #553
Action #740
Superman: Man of Steel #75
Superman #131
AoS #554
Action #741
Superman: Man of Steel #76
I’m skipping the Genesis event and just putting the three tie-ins in their normal order, which lead off this volume. I kind of want to call this book Transformed 2: Electric Bugaloo.
Superman Red/Superman Blue
Superman Red/Superman Blue #1
Superman #132
AoS #555
Superman: Man of Tomorrow #10
Action #742
Superman: Man of Steel #77
Superman #133
AoS #556
Action #743
Superman: Man of Steel #78
Aquaman #43
Challengers of the Unknown #15
Superman #134
Teen Titans #19
Supergirl #20
AoS #557
Steel #50
Action #744
Superman: Man of Steel #79
Superman #135
This includes the Millennium Giants story, starting with Superman: Man of Steel #78. Not sure about volume numbers for the non-Superman series, but it’s whatever series were running in 1998.
Superman Forever
Superman Forever #1
AoS #558
Action #745
Superman: Man of Steel #80
Superman #136
AoS #559
Action #746
Superman: Man of Steel #81
Superman #137
AoS #560
Action #747
Superman: Man of Steel #82
Superman #138
AoS #561
Action #748
Superman: Man of Steel #83
Superman #139
This is when the books separated for a while to tell stories of Superman in different eras. Some would probably try to separate them out, but they all start to converge at the end, so keeping them in publication order works.
Save the Planet!
Superman: Man of Tomorrow #11
Superman Annual #10 (Ghosts)
Save the Planet
AoS #562
Action #749
Superman: Man of Steel #84
Superman #140
AoS #563
Superman 3-D
Superman 80-Page Giant #1
The four issues starting with Action #749 came out after DC 1 Million, but I moved it back to make for better sized books. I don’t think there’s any specific story element that requires it to be after DC1M.
DC One Million
DC1M #1
Action #1M
Nightwing #1M
GL #1M
DC1M #2
Batman #1M
Superman: Man of Steel #1M
Starman #1M
Superman #1M
Superboy #1M
Detective #1M
DC1M #3
Martian Manhunter #1M
AoS #1M
Resurrection Man #1M
Catwoman #1M
Robin #1M
Superman: Man of Tomorrow #1M
DC1M #4
Chronos #1M
For those making their own DC 1 Million using different series, the listing that DC had in the back of each book was actually a very workable reading order. I moved Chronos to the end, because it works well as an epilogue. If I were to do it again, I would probably move the Starman issue around, so the two Superman issues around it could be back to back. JLA #1M is basically DC1M #2.5.
King of the World
Action #750
Superman: Man of Steel #85
Superman: Man of Tomorrow #12
Superman #141
AoS #564
Action #751
Superman: Man of Steel #86
Superman #142
AoS #565
Supermen of America #1
Action #752
Superman: Man of Steel #87
Superman #143
AoS #566
Action #753
Superman: Man of Tomorrow #13
Superman: Man of Steel #88
Superman #144
AoS #567
Action #754
Superman: Man of Steel #89
King of the World #1
Superman #145
Superman 80-Page Giant #2
AoS #568
Action #755
Superman: Man of Steel #90
Superman #146
AoS #569
Superman: Man of Tomorrow #14
Action #756
Superman: Man of Steel #91
Superman #147
AoS #570
Action #757
Superman: Man of Steel #92
Superman #148
AoS #571
Action #758
Superman: Man of Steel #93
Superman #149
AoS #572
Action #759
Superman: Man of Steel #94
Superman #150
Superman: Man of Tomorrow #15
And then Jeph Loeb and company came on board, in the first major overhaul of the post-Crisis Superman. Prior to this, creative changes were usually handled one or two at a time.
From 1991-1997, the annuals were all part of themes or crossovers. Most of them could be moved to their own volumes. As mentioned above, 1995 was “Year One”. Below is a list of the rest of the annuals, but not full maps.
1991 – Armageddon 2001
Action Annual #3, AoS Annual #3, Superman Annual #3
1992 – Eclipso
Action Annual #4, AoS Annual #4, Superman Annual #4, MoS Annual #1
1993 – Bloodlines
Action Annual #5, AoS Annual #5, Superman Annual #5, MoS Annual #2
These actually take place during Reign of the Supermen, but there’s no reason to incorporate them into that story. it kills the pacing and this crossover is not usually considered good. That said, DC has started including them in recent reprints of that event.
1994 – Elseworlds (see below)
1995 – Year One
Action Annual #7, AoS Annual #7, Superman Annual #7, MoS Annual #4
1996 – Legends of the Dead Earth (see below).
1997 – Pulp Heroes (included above)
Superman: Elseworlds
MoS Annual #3
Superman Annual #6
AoS Annual #6
Superboy Annual #1 (continued from AoS Annual #6)
Action Annual #6
AoS Annual #8
Superman Annual #8
Action Annual #8
MoS Annual #5
DC Comics Presents Superman #1 (the Julie Schwartz tribute issue from 2004, because I didn’t have anywhere else to put it)
Starting in 1998, DC only published 8 annuals a year – JLA, and then the 7 members’ series. As a result, Superman only got 1 annual per year for a while.
1998 – Ghosts – Superman Annual #10 (included above with Save the Planet!)
1999 – JLApe – Superman Annual #11
Whoa! What a massive undertaking. This is making me re-think about binding Superman, especially since I don’t have very much of this stuff. I think I’ll let it sit on the back burner for awhile.
Have you thought to include any of the spin off minis from this era?
I think the only one I own that’s not part of the map is the Guardians of Metropolis mini. And I’m not sure that a lot of the minis were that significant, other than allowing some of the supporting cast to shine.
I am thinking of putting Man of Steel #1-5, the Year One annuals, and some other material that fits in that era (including maybe the 3 World mini-series that Byrne oversaw) into a “Superman: Year One” book.
But all of this is still back burner.
I agree with the year one book idea. I am making this my next project, and probably the most ambitious bind I will ever do.
Also check out Booster Gold Vol.1 6-7. It’s a pretty interesting Superman appearance, because it’s basically the first post crisis Superman story. Also Jurgens first work on Superman.
I am also going to work in some of the Legion in the 20th Century stuff from around the time of Final Night and Showcase stories for characters I really liked.
DC has announced a series of “Retro-Active” specials for summer 2011. There will be three for Superman, featuring stories set in the 70s, 80s, and 90s. Obviously, the 70s one doesn’t have a place here, but the last two might.
In fact, Simonson/Bogdanove are doing the 90′s one, and say they’re placing it around MoS #31.
“For the continuity buffs out there, the ‘90s was the era of five interlocked Superman titles – our story in ‘Superman: Retro-Active’ takes place between pages, about halfway through ‘Man of Steel’ #31,” the writer added.
Not sure where Wolfman’s 80s issue will go, but if has the editorial captions like he promises, then we should get some clues.
I was just wondering where you would put the JLA issues in Superman continuity if you were to include them. I’m not suggesting that you do for binding purposes, but I keep mine in comic drawer boxes in continuity order (as much as possible) and I’m trying to figure out how to mix in the first 23 issues of JLA (my collection stops at the end of 98).
I usually would go based on cover date and when arcs start.
JLA #1-4 goes somewhere before Final Night. #5 is the second appearance of blue Superman. Classic costume returns in #20.
Thanks for the great info. I just finished my combine.
You mentioned you bound a title called “Superman From the Ages”. What is in that?