The goal of this project is to include all of the issues of Marv Wolfman’s run from New Teen Titans #1 in 1980 through New Titans #130 in 1996, across several series and title changes. There are two halves to this project – New Teen Titans and New Titans. The first half was developed from existing hardcovers and TPBs.
Please note that there are two versions of the New Teen Titans omnibus series. The first was a three volume set that primarily only collected the Wolfman/Perez material, so there was a lot of skipping and non-sensical mapping in volumes 2 and 3. The second version was a five volume set that collected the runs of both New Teen Titans series, up until the title changed to New Titans. In both cases, the mapping of volume 1 is the same (although I can’t confirm the placement of the Best of DC #18 story in the original version).
The second version of omnibus volumes was accompanied by a series of 14 trade paperbacks that collected the same material (mostly).
New Teen Titans volume 1
DC Comics Presents #26
New Teen Titans (1980) #1-12
Best of DC (Blue Ribbon Digest) #18
New Teen Titans (1980) #13-20
Tales of the New Teen Titans #1-4
This volume follows the same mapping as the New Teen Titans TPBs volumes 1-3, with the exception that Best of DC #18 was not included in the TPB. I actually just purchased Omnibus volume 1 for this book, as it was the most cost effective option. (Meaning, I could find a copy for less than the actual binding cost.)
If you are looking for single issues to bind, Best of DC #18 was reprinted in Tales of the Teen Titans #59 at regular comic size (along with DC Comics Presents #26). Also, Tales of the New Teen Titans #1-4 was a mini-series in 1982 and should not be confused with the later Tales of the Teen Titans reprint series (sans New).
New Teen Titans volume 2
New Teen Titans (1980) #21-25
New Teen Titans (1980) Annual #1
New Teen Titans (1980) #26-34
New Teen Titans (1980) Annual #2
New Teen Titans (1980) #35-37
Batman and the Outsiders #5
New Teen Titans (1980) #38-40
Tales of the Teen Titans #41
This volume follows the mapping of TPBs volumes 4-6. The main New Teen Titans series was retitled to Tales of the New Teen Titans starting with #41 as another New Teen Titans series was launched in 1984. Tales featured new stories through #58, when it started featuring reprints of the new series about a year after original publication. That series lasted through #91, reprinting New Teen Titans (1984) #1-31 and Annuals #1-2.
New Teen Titans volume 3
Tales of the Teen Titans #42-44
Tales of the Teen Titans Annual #3
Tales of the Teen Titans #45-58
New Teen Titans (1984) #1-9
This volume follows the mapping of TPBs volumes 7-9.
New Teen Titans volume 4
New Teen Titans (1984) #10-12
New Teen Titans (1984) Annual #1
New Teen Titans (1984) #13-15
Omega Men #34
New Teen Titans (1984) #16-27
New Teen Titans (1984) Annual #2
New Teen Titans (1984) #28-31
This volume follows the mapping of TPBs volumes 10-12.
New Teen Titans volume 5
New Teen Titans (1984) #32-35
New Teen Titans (1984) Annual #3
New Teen Titans (1984) #36-38
Infinity Inc #45
New Teen Titans (1984) #39-46
New Teen Titans (1984) Annual #4
New Teen Titans (1984) #47-49
Secret Origins #13 (Nightwing story only)
Secret Origins #46 (Titans story only)
Tales of the Teen Titans #91 (bonus features)
This volume follows the mapping of TPB volume 13 and most of volume 14. The two Secret Origins stories are placed here as bonus features, and are not indicative of their actual chronological placement. Secret Origins #13 was included in TPB volume 14 and is supposed to take place around New Teen Titans (1984) #16-19, but there is no clean splice point. The story is viewed as the post-Crisis version of Nightwing’s history, which does not mesh as nicely with the pre-Crisis issues (including the aforementioned NTT #16-19). Secret Origins #46 was not included in the TPB, but featured three stories of headquarters origins for the JLA, Titans, and Legion of Super-Heroes.
TPB volume 14 also reprinted Secret Origins Annual #3, which I have included in the New Titans volume below because it chronologically occurs there. The material included from Tales of the Teen Titans #91 is just the text piece explaining the cancellation of the reprint series as well as a brief recap sequence originally published to allow readers of the reprint series to catch up with the current issue of the ongoing series. It is not something I would specifically hunt down if collecting single issues.
TPB volumes 9-12 included cover galleries of Tales of the Teen Titans #59-88 as those were the reprint issues. Since volume 5 is so much smaller than volumes 2-4, I have moved all of those pages into volume 5. The cover to #84 shares a page with the last story page in TPB volume 12, so either that will have to be out of place or scanned and printed. For some reason, DC did not include the covers to Tales #89-91 in the TPBs either.
New Titans volume 1 – Identity Crisis
New Titans #50-55
Secret Origins Annual #3
New Titans #56
New Titans Annual #5
New Titans #57-59
Batman #440
New Titans #60
Batman #441
New Titans #61
Batman #442
New Titans #62-69
New Titans Annual #6
New Titans #70
The title change occurred when DC realized their characters weren’t teens anymore. As of now, DC hasn’t reprinted this run in comprehensive format, so it was constructed from original issues (except for the Secret Origins Annual pulled from the New Teen Titans volume 14 TPB above.)
New Titans volume 2 – Titans Hunt
New Titans #71-79
New Titans Annual #7
New Titans #80-84
origin features from Team Titans #1
Team Titans #1 was issued with 5 variations, each featuring a different character origin story at the front of the issue. While the main story of the issue goes in the next volume, I pulled the origin features into this volume to better even out the volume sizes.
New Titans volume 3 – Total Chaos
New Titans #85-89
Deathstroke Annual #1
New Titans Annual #8
Deathstroke #14
New Titans #90
Team Titans #1 (main story only)
Deathstroke #15
New Titans #91
Team Titans #2
Deathstroke #16
New Titans #92
Team Titans #3
Titans Sell Out Special #1
New Titans #93-96
New Titans volume 4 – The Darkening
New Titans #97-114
Damage #6
I intentionally left out New Titans Annuals #9-10. #9 is part of Bloodlines (and goes between New Titans #99-100), while #10 is an Elseworlds story.
New Titans volume 5 – Meltdown
New Titans #0
New Titans #115
Green Lantern #57
New Titans #116-119
Outsiders #17
Showcase ’95 #1-2
New Titans #120-121
New Titans Annual #11
Deathstroke #48
New Titans #122
Darkstars #32
Deathstroke #49
New Titans #123-124
Green Lantern #65
Darkstars #34
Damage #16
New Titans #125-130